Day 1 – Vancouver – Arriving and Endownment Lands

Tuesday 18 June

We arrived in Vancouver before the time we had even left Auckland, on the same day (cause of the time difference)! We arrived around 3pm. Ben and Jane Pickles were at the airport waiting for us, picked us up and we loaded ourselves and our gear into a minivan they had hired to fit us all in. We unpacked a little and then went for a walk around the Endowment Lands which is a forest and Queen Elizabeth Park near the Pickles’ house. Tom cooked us a lovely dinner; salmon with 3 lovely salads! Relaxing evening and an early night.

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Ready for Take-off!

23 years ago, Ross and Chris cycled for a year for our honeymoon and our favourite place was Alaska.   We have dreamed ever since of taking our kids there and we can hardly believe that it’s happening!  We get to meet up with awesome people we met while cycling and others. We can’t wait to hang out with everyone and create memories of a lifetime!

Ephesians 3 v 20 – God can do anything, you know—far more than you could ever imagine or guess or request in your wildest dreams!

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– Perkinson Family (at the airport!)