Talkeetna to Anchorage to Los Angeles

Tuesday 6th August

We said our goodbyes to Robin and left Talkeetna with Larry and headed to Anchorage, stopping at some shops along the way – instead of stopping at Repco to get car parts as we would in NZ, we stopped at an aircraft parts shop.  We stopped at Walmart and Costco and then had an all you can eat for lunch with Larry – Sushi, Asian, Seafood which was delicious. It was so hard to say goodbye to Larry at the airport. The connection we had in 1996 was awesome but now it was even stronger and we are already missing him and hopefully, it won’t be 23 years before we see him again.   

We were happy that our bags went through at a kilo over.  Our hand luggage was certainly also maxed out. We got a coffee each and Danika and I went to get some donuts and popcorn.  They had massive bags of popcorn (cooked over 30 minutes earlier) for $5 so we got it and then Danika used it as a pillow as she lay on the floor.  We certainly didn’t blend in with Josh getting a sticker for oversized luggage and Chris nearly getting one. Our flight to Los Angeles was at 11:40pm.

32 06.08.19 Last day in Talkeetna-10 32 06.08.19 Last day in Talkeetna-13 32 06.08.19 Dragon Seafood Restaurant & Grill with Larry-3 32 06.08.19 Airport ANC - LAX-4 32 06.08.19 Airport ANC - LAX-5 32 06.08.19 Airport ANC - LAX-1