4th of July Celebrations

Thursday 4th July

We had a slow start to the day, as everyone prepared for the 4th of July Parade.  Larry is somewhat of a celebrity in Talkeetna and he dressed in his annual gear that we have seen pictures of for years!  Tayla got to ride to the parade on the back of his bike, and we walked into town. First up we came to the Bunny Petting table and stayed there for some time while we enjoyed cuddling these gorgeous bunny’s. As she handed the bunny to Danika she said “here have a Bunny Burrito” and handed her a bunny wrapped in a cloth so they didn’t scratch.   It was 30 degrees so they had bottles of frozen water to keep them cool.  

Then we made our way along the street ready for the parade at noon.  It started with a guy playing the National Anthem on an electric guitar standing in the middle of the road.   Then the parade started and it was awesome to see Robbie dressed up on her Cushman bike, dressed as “Rosie” from the war.  Then Robin who was riding a Honda ….. and then Larry came through – and you will have to look at the photos to see him as he rode up and down the road giving women rides on the back.   He also picked up Danika for a ride. The parade consisted of floats throwing out ‘candy’, with people dressed in red, white and blue. There were old cars, quads, and all sorts of vehicles – some doing burnouts – it was awesome to be a part of it!  Apparently, many of the guys carried guns.  

Afterward people came back for an awesome lunch – “Gold Rush Beans”, Meatballs, Ham, Greek Salad, Watermelon, Pecan Pie made by Carol Perrin, Oaty Slice made by Peggy, with red white and blue M&Ms, chocolate chip cookies and Reese’s Peanut Butter cups made by Rose which were yummy and Chocolate Brownie made by Tayla.  There were 38 people there over the day. We sat outside underneath the trees in the shade for hours talking, as it was 31 degrees. It was great hearing stories of aviation adventures, various plane crashes and fun they had meeting each other.  

It was a relaxing afternoon and a cruisy evening.  Robin is recovering from a horrible fluey bug and Larry is in the middle of it.

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